The Division of Education offers a BSE in Social Science Education that prepares students to meet Missouri state certification requirements for teaching history, government, economics, behavioral science, and geography in grades 9-12.
General Education Requirements: 27-40 hours minimum
Additional University Requirements: 6 hours
For more information, see the General Education Requirements section of the catalog.
Professional Education Requirements (42-43 Hours)
ED101 Foundations of Education (2)
ED102 Field Experience I (1)
ED105 Field Experience II (0-1)
ED122 Education Technology (2) [if not taken in Tier Two]
ED313 Classroom Behavior Management (3)
ED350 Education Methodology (2)
ED370SS The Methods and Teaching of Social Sciences (3)
ED453 Education as a Profession (2)
ED454 Student Teaching Seminar/Methods (2)
ED462 Supervised Student Teaching (Capstone) (10)
ED470 Instructional Interventions for Students with Reading Deficits (3)
ED471 Teaching Reading in the Content Area (3)
PY210 Educational Psychology (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
PY223 Developmental Psychology (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
PY342 Psychology of the Exceptional Child (2)
PY343 Psychology of the Exceptional Child Practicum (1)
Social Science Education Major Requirements (39 hours)
Required Courses (39 hours):
HI101 World History I (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
HI102 World History II (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
HI117 Development of the United States I (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
HI118 Development of the United States II (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
HI205 World Geography (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
HI352 Contemporary American History (3)
EC101 General Economics (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
PS101 Introduction to American National, State, and Local Government (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
SO101 Sociology (3) or SO102 Social Problems (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
Choose one of the following (3 hours):
HI316 U.S. Intellectual/Cultural History to 1865 (3)
HI318 U.S. Intellectual/Cultural History Since 1859 (3)
HI/PS319 The American Presidency, Past and Present (3)
HI320 The American Way of War (3)
Choose one of the following (3 hours):
HI314 History and Politics of Russia (3)
HI354 The Vietnam War: An International History (3)
Choose one of the following (3 hours):
PS308 American Constitutional Law and the Judicial Process (3)
PS309 Law in American Society (3)
Choose one of the following (3 hours):
PY101 General Psychology (3) (If not taken as general education requirement)
PY211 Psychology of Personal Adjustment (3)
PY308 Personality (3)
Electives to complete min. 120 hours